@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) Daniel Sheffield 2023
-# All rights reserved
-from io import StringIO
-from datetime import date, datetime
-from queue import Queue
-from bottle import (
- FormsDict,
- HTTPError,
- template,
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import matplotlib
-import numpy as np
-from pandas import DataFrame
-import seaborn as sns
-from psycopg import Connection
-from psycopg.connection import TupleRow
-from ..data.QueryManager import (
- display_mapper,
- QueryManager,
-from ..data.filter import (
- get_filter,
- get_query_param,
-from .form import(
- get_form,
-plot_style = {
- "lines.color": "#ffffff",
- "patch.edgecolor": "#ffffff",
- "text.color": "#ffffff",
- "axes.facecolor": "#7f7f7f",
- "axes.edgecolor": "#ffffff",
- "axes.labelcolor": "#ffffff",
- "xtick.color": "#ffffff",
- "ytick.color": "#ffffff",
- "grid.color": "#ffffff",
- "figure.facecolor": "#7f7f7f",
- "figure.edgecolor": "#7f7f7f",
- "savefig.facecolor": "#7f7f7f",
- "savefig.edgecolor": "#7f7f7f",
-def get_data(query_manager: QueryManager, unit=None, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
- d = DataFrame(query_manager.get_historic_prices_data(unit, **kwargs))
- if d.empty:
- return d
- d['ts_month'] = d['ts_raw'].apply(lambda x: date(x.date().year, x.date().month,1))
- d[['price','quantity']] = d[['price','quantity']].apply(
- lambda y: y.apply(lambda x: x and float(x)),
- )
- return d
-def abort(code, text):
- raise HTTPError(code, text)
-def trend(queue: Queue, conn: Connection[TupleRow], path: str, query: FormsDict):
- for item in trend_internal(conn, path, query):
- queue.put(item, block=True)
- queue.put(None)
-def trend_internal(conn: Connection[TupleRow], path: str, query: FormsDict):
- progress = {
- 'stage': None,
- 'percent': None,
- }
- action = path.split('/')[-1]
- organic = BOOLEAN.get(query.organic, None)
- _filter = get_filter(query, allow=PARAMS)
- yield template("trend", start=True)
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- query_manager = QueryManager(cur, display_mapper)
- fields = {
- k: get_query_param(*_filter[k])
- for k in sorted(_filter) if k not in ('organic', 'unit') and _filter[k]
- }
- unit = fields['unit'] = query.unit or 'kg'
- fields['organic'] = BOOLEAN.get(query.organic, None)
- if unit and unit not in ALL_UNITS:
- abort(400, f"Unsupported unit: {unit}")
- progress.update({ "stage": "Querying database", "percent": "10"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- data = get_data(query_manager, **fields)
- if data.empty:
- abort(404, f"No data.")
- progress.update({ "stage": "Preparing data", "percent": "30"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- in_chart = data['$/unit'].apply(lambda x: (x or False) and True)
- data = data[in_chart]
- pivot = data.pivot_table(index=['ts_raw',], columns=['product',], values=['$/unit'], aggfunc='mean')
- pivot.columns = pivot.columns.droplevel()
- sns.set_theme(style='darkgrid', palette='pastel', context="talk")
- plt.style.use("dark_background")
- plt.rcParams.update(plot_style)
- plt.rcParams.update({"grid.linewidth":0.2, "grid.alpha":0.5})
- plt.figure(figsize=[16, 9], layout="tight")
- xlabel='Time'
- ylabel=f'$ / {unit}'
- if pivot.columns.size > 50:
- ax = sns.scatterplot(data=pivot, markers=True)
- else:
- ax = sns.lineplot(data=pivot, markers=True)
- legend = plt.figlegend(
- loc='upper center', ncol=6,
- title_fontsize="14", fontsize="12", labelcolor='#ffffff',
- framealpha=0.5
- )
- legend.set_title(title="Products")
- ax.legend().set_visible(False)
- ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize="14")
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize="14")
- ax.axes.tick_params(labelsize="12", which='both')
- for _, spine in ax.spines.items():
- spine.set_color('#ffffff')
- progress.update({ "stage": "Rendering chart", "percent": "50"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- f = StringIO()
- plt.savefig(f, format='svg')
- progress.update({ "stage": "Done", "percent": "100" })
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- form = get_form(action, 'post', _filter, organic, data)
- yield template("trend", end=True, form=form, svg=f.getvalue())
- except HTTPError as e:
- if 'data' not in locals():
- data = DataFrame()
- if 'form' not in locals():
- form = get_form(action, 'post', _filter, organic, data)
- yield template("done") + template("trend", end=True, form=form, error=e.body)
- finally:
- conn.commit()
-def volume(queue: Queue, conn: Connection[TupleRow], path: str, query: FormsDict):
- for item in volume_internal(conn, path, query):
- queue.put(item, block=True)
- queue.put(None)
-def volume_internal(conn: Connection[TupleRow], path: str, query: FormsDict):
- progress = {
- 'stage': None,
- 'percent': None,
- }
- action = path.split('/')[-1]
- organic = BOOLEAN.get(query.organic, None)
- _filter = get_filter(query, allow=PARAMS)
- yield template("trend", start=True)
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- query_manager = QueryManager(cur, display_mapper)
- fields = {
- k: get_query_param(*_filter[k])
- for k in sorted(_filter) if k not in ('organic', 'unit') and _filter[k]
- }
- unit = fields['unit'] = query.unit or 'kg'
- fields['organic'] = BOOLEAN.get(query.organic, None)
- if unit and unit not in ALL_UNITS:
- abort(400, f"Unsupported unit: {unit}")
- progress.update({ "stage": "Querying database", "percent": "10"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- data = get_data(query_manager, **fields)
- if data.empty:
- abort(404, f"No data.")
- progress.update({ "stage": "Preparing data", "percent": "30"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- now = datetime.now().date()
- prev_month = date(now.year,now.month-1,1) if now.month > 1 else date(now.year-1, 12, 1)
- data = data[data['ts_month'] == prev_month ]
- group = 'group'
- for g, _g in zip(
- ('category', 'group'),
- ('product', 'category')
- ):
- if g and len(data[g].unique()) != 1:
- continue
- group = _g
- break
- pivot = data[~(data['quantity'].isnull())].groupby([group,])[['price', 'quantity']].sum()
- if pivot.empty:
- abort(404, f"No data.")
- sns.set_theme(style='darkgrid', palette='pastel', context="talk")
- plt.style.use("dark_background")
- plt.rcParams.update(plot_style)
- plt.rcParams.update({"grid.linewidth":0.2, "grid.alpha":0.5})
- svg = []
- for title, col, (pre, fmt, suf) in zip((
- f"Expenditure ${pivot['price'].sum():0.2f}",
- f"Quantity {pivot['quantity'].sum():0.1f} {unit}",
- ), (
- 'price',
- 'quantity'
- ), [
- ('$', "{0:0.2f}", ''),
- ('', "{0:0.1f}", f' {unit}')
- ]):
- plt.figure(figsize=[16, 9], layout="tight")
- ax = plt.axes()
- wedges, *_ = ax.pie(pivot[col].values, startangle=90)
- bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", lw=0.72, fc='#5f5f5f', ec=plot_style["axes.edgecolor"])
- kw = dict(arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-"),
- bbox=bbox_props, zorder=0, va="center")
- for i, p in enumerate(wedges):
- ang = (p.theta2 - p.theta1)/2. + p.theta1
- y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(ang))
- x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ang))
- horizontalalignment = {-1: "right", 1: "left"}[int(np.sign(x))]
- connectionstyle = f"angle,angleA=0,angleB={ang}"
- kw["arrowprops"].update({"connectionstyle": connectionstyle})
- label = pivot.index[i]
- val = pivot.loc[label, col]
- label = f"{label} {pre}{fmt.format(val)}{suf} ({val*100/pivot[col].sum():0.1f}%)"
- ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(1.35*np.sign(x), 1.4*y),
- horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, **kw)
- ax.set_title(title)
- xlabel=''
- ylabel=''
- ax.legend().set_visible(False)
- ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize="14")
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize="14")
- ax.axes.tick_params(labelsize="12", which='both')
- progress.update({ "stage": "Rendering chart", "percent": "50"})
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- f = StringIO()
- plt.savefig(f, format='svg')
- svg.append(f.getvalue())
- progress.update({ "stage": "Done", "percent": "100" })
- yield template("done") + template("progress", **progress)
- form = get_form(action, 'post', _filter, organic, data)
- yield template("volume", end=True, form=form, svg=svg)
- except HTTPError as e:
- if 'data' not in locals():
- data = DataFrame()
- if 'form' not in locals():
- form = get_form(action, 'post', _filter, organic, data)
- yield template("done") + template("trend", end=True, form=form, error=e.body)
- finally:
- conn.commit()