@@ -3,34 +3,24 @@
# All rights reserved
-from typing import Iterable, Dict
import os
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from threading import Thread
+from typing import Tuple
from bottle import (
- route,
- request,
- response,
- FormsDict,
- redirect,
- template,
+ route, request, response,
+ FormsDict,
-from psycopg import connect
-from psycopg.sql import SQL, Literal
-from threading import Thread
-from ..data.filter import(
- get_filter,
- get_query_param,
+from psycopg import Cursor, connect
+from psycopg.rows import TupleRow
+from urllib.parse import parse_qs
-from ..data.util import(
- get_where_include_exclude
-from . import trend as worker
-from . import PARAMS
+from .QueryCache import QueryCache
+from .route_decorators import cache, cursor
+from .query_to_xml import get_categories, get_groups, get_products, get_tags
from .CachedLoadingPage import CachedLoadingPage
-from .Cache import Cache
+from .PageCache import PageCache
+from . import trend as worker
host = f"host={os.getenv('HOST')}"
db = f"dbname={os.getenv('DB', 'grocery')}"
@@ -40,194 +30,96 @@ if not password.split('=',1)[1]:
password = ''
conn = connect(f"{host} {db} {user} {password}")
-CACHE = Cache(10)
-def get_product_rollup_statement(filters, having=None):
- where = [ get_where_include_exclude(
- k[0], "name", list(include), list(exclude)
- ) for k, (include, exclude) in filters.items() ]
- return SQL('\n').join([
- SQL("""
- count(DISTINCT p.id) AS "Products",
- count(DISTINCT c.id) AS "Categories",
- count(DISTINCT g.id) AS "Groups",
- p.name AS "Product",
- c.name AS "Category",
- g.name AS "Group"
-FROM products p
-JOIN categories c ON p.category_id = c.id
-JOIN groups g ON c.group_id = g.id
- SQL("""
-WHERE {where}
-""").format(where=SQL("\nAND").join(where)) if where else SQL(''),
- SQL("""
-GROUP BY ROLLUP (g.name, c.name, p.name)
- SQL("""
-HAVING {having}
-ORDER BY "Product", "Category", "Group"
-""").format(having=having) if having else SQL('')
- ])
-def normalize_query(query: FormsDict, allow: Iterable[str] = None) -> str:
- param = get_filter(query, allow=allow)
- return urlencode([
- (k, get_query_param(*param[k])) for k in sorted(param) if param[k]
- ])
-def _normalize_decorator(func, poison_on_reload=False):
- def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
- _, _, path, *_ = request.urlparts
- normalized = normalize_query(request.query, allow=PARAMS)
- if poison_on_reload and request.params.get('reload') == 'true':
- CACHE.remove(normalized)
- if request.query_string != normalized:
- return redirect(f'{path}?{normalized}')
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrap
-def normalize(*args, **kwargs):
- if not len(args):
- return lambda f: _normalize_decorator(f, **kwargs)
- return _normalize_decorator(*args)
def send_static(filename):
return static_file(filename, root='app/rest/static')
-def trend():
+def trend_thread(conn, path, forms):
+ def cb(queue):
+ return Thread(target=worker.trend, args=(
+ queue, conn, path, forms
+ )).start()
+ return cb
+PAGE_CACHE = PageCache(100)
+QUERY_CACHE = QueryCache(None)
+@route('/grocery/trend', method=['GET', 'POST'])
+@cache(query_cache=QUERY_CACHE, page_cache=PAGE_CACHE)
+def trend(key: Tuple[str, int], cache: PageCache):
_, _, path, *_ = request.urlparts
- normalized = normalize_query(request.query, allow=PARAMS)
- if request.params.get('reload') == 'true':
- CACHE.remove(normalized)
- if request.query_string != normalized:
- return redirect(f'{path}?{normalized}')
+ page = cache[key]
+ if page is None:
+ form = key_to_form(key)
+ page = cache.add(key, CachedLoadingPage([], trend_thread(conn, path, form)))
- page = CACHE.get(normalized)
+ for i in iter_page(page):
+ yield i
- return page if page else CACHE.add(normalized, CachedLoadingPage(
- template("loading", progress=[]),
- lambda queue: Thread(target=worker.trend, args=(
- queue, conn, path, request.query
- )).start()
- ))
-def groups():
- filters = get_filter(request.query, allow=('group', 'category', 'product'))
- form = template('form-nav', action='groups', method='get', params=[
- {'name': k, 'value': request.params[k]} for k in request.params if k in PARAMS
- ])
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- inner = get_product_rollup_statement(
- filters,
- having=SQL("c.name IS NULL")
- )
- xml = cur.execute(SQL("""
-SELECT query_to_xml_and_xmlschema({q}, false, false, ''::text)
- "Products",
- "Categories",
- COALESCE("Group", "Groups"||'') "Group"
-) q""").format(inner=inner).as_string(cur)))).fetchone()[0]
- finally:
- conn.commit()
- response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
- return template("query-to-xml", title="Groups", xml=xml, form=form)
-def categories():
- filters = get_filter(request.query, allow=('group', 'category', 'product'))
- form = template('form-nav', action='categories', method='get', params=[
- {'name': k, 'value': request.params[k]} for k in request.params if k in PARAMS
- ])
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- inner = get_product_rollup_statement(
- filters,
- having=SQL("p.name IS NULL AND (c.name IS NOT NULL OR g.name IS NULL)")
- )
- xml = cur.execute(SQL("""
-SELECT query_to_xml_and_xmlschema({q}, false, false, ''::text)
- "Products",
- COALESCE("Category", "Categories"||'') "Category",
- COALESCE("Group", "Groups"||'') "Group"
-) q""").format(inner=inner).as_string(cur)))).fetchone()[0]
- finally:
- conn.commit()
+def query_to_form(query):
+ form = FormsDict()
+ for k, v in parse_qs(query).items():
+ for item in v:
+ form.append(k, item)
+ return form
+def key_to_form(key):
+ query, _ = key
+ return query_to_form(query)
+def iter_page(page):
+ # copy first to avoid races
+ resp = list(page.value)
+ pos = len(resp)
+ yield ''.join(resp)
+ while not page.loaded:
+ page.update()
+ # all changes since last yield
+ resp = list(page.value[pos:])
+ pos = pos + len(resp)
+ yield ''.join(resp)
+ # possibly have not yielded the entire page
+ if pos < len(page.value):
+ yield ''.join(page.value[pos:])
+@route('/grocery/groups', method=['GET', 'POST'])
+@cache(query_cache=QUERY_CACHE, page_cache=PAGE_CACHE)
+def groups(cur: Cursor[TupleRow], key: Tuple[str, int], cache: PageCache):
+ form = key_to_form(key)
response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
- return template("query-to-xml", title="Categories", xml=xml, form=form)
-def products():
- filters = get_filter(request.query, allow=('group', 'category', 'product'))
- form = template('form-nav', action='products', method='get', params=[
- {'name': k, 'value': request.params[k]} for k in request.params if k in PARAMS
- ])
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- inner = get_product_rollup_statement(
- filters,
- having=SQL("p.name IS NOT NULL OR g.name IS NULL")
- )
- xml = cur.execute(SQL("""
-SELECT query_to_xml_and_xmlschema({q}, false, false, ''::text)
- --"Transactions",
- COALESCE("Product", "Products"||'') "Product",
- COALESCE("Category", "Categories"||'') "Category",
- COALESCE("Group", "Groups"||'') "Group"
-) q""").format(inner=inner).as_string(cur)))).fetchone()[0]
- finally:
- conn.commit()
+ return get_groups(cur, form)
+@route('/grocery/categories', method=['GET', 'POST'])
+@cache(query_cache=QUERY_CACHE, page_cache=PAGE_CACHE)
+def categories(cur: Cursor[TupleRow], key: Tuple[str, int], cache: PageCache):
+ form = key_to_form(key)
response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
- return template("query-to-xml", title="Products", xml=xml, form=form)
-def tags():
- form = template('form-nav', action='tags', method='get', params=[
- {'name': k, 'value': request.params[k]} for k in request.params if k in PARAMS
- ])
- try:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- inner = SQL('\n').join([SQL("""
-SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(DISTINCT txn.id) AS "Uses", tg.name AS "Name"
-FROM tags tg
-JOIN tags_map tm ON tg.id = tm.tag_id
-JOIN transactions txn ON txn.id = tm.transaction_id
-GROUP BY tg.name
-ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2) q
-SELECT count(DISTINCT txn.id) AS "Uses", count(DISTINCT tg.name)||'' AS "Name"
-FROM tags tg
-JOIN tags_map tm ON tg.id = tm.tag_id
-JOIN transactions txn ON txn.id = tm.transaction_id
- xml = cur.execute(SQL("""
-SELECT query_to_xml_and_xmlschema({inner}, false, false, ''::text)
- finally:
- conn.commit()
+ return get_categories(cur, form)
+@route('/grocery/products', method=['GET', 'POST'])
+@cache(query_cache=QUERY_CACHE, page_cache=PAGE_CACHE)
+def products(cur: Cursor[TupleRow], key: Tuple[str, int], cache: PageCache):
+ form = key_to_form(key)
response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
- return template("query-to-xml", title="Tags", xml=xml, form=form)
+ return get_products(cur, form)
+@route('/grocery/tags', method=['GET', 'POST'])
+@cache(query_cache=QUERY_CACHE, page_cache=PAGE_CACHE)
+def tags(cur: Cursor[TupleRow], key: Tuple[str, int], cache: PageCache):
+ form = key_to_form(key)
+ response.content_type = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
+ return get_tags(cur, form)