Wrapper to log stdout and stderr of command run for quick reuse. Useful while developing shell pipelines with long-running commands and for rich command history.
Frissítve 2 hónapja
Authentication Authorization and Accounting. Currently just Authentication.
Frissítve 3 hónapja
Generate a template prayer following the form of the model prayer outlined in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
Frissítve 3 hónapja
Privacy centric mail distribution using postfix, maildrop and fetchmail for the Taupiri Crop Swap
Frissítve 11 hónapja
Script to grab xmltv from Matt Huisman's site. This is to get 8 day EPG for all channels for which provide this only over MHEG-5. Applies minor adjustments to channel names in the epg.xml to match the channel names MythTV populates after scanning for channels. Also removes channels unavailable on the terrestrial service (can be region dependant). This is configured for Waikato, but keeping other regions in mind. You should be able to easily adjust to suit your needs.
Frissítve 11 hónapja
Use Robot Framework to automate exporting account transactions from SBS
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Pljava methods to enable Postgresql access to installed Sword modules via the JSword library.
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The Neverhood by Dreamworks Interactive running with wine + docker
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Script and templates to create a Gardening Journal. Uses Open Document templates (or pdf) together with pdftk to publish the resulting document.
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Use Robot Framework to automate exporting account transactions from ASB
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